
weekend recap.

after work on friday, i got into my bed and didn't move until saturday morning at 5:30am when i got up to run. i watched all 6 episodes of graceland before calling it a night. ps. you should totally start watching graceland. it's a new series on usa about the FBI and it's AMAZING.

5:30am came quickly. i woke up, had breakfast, and drove to work to start my run. i really like the loop i do from work, so i like to start/end there. 7 miles before 8am (i was supposed to go 8 - woops) and i crawled back in bed for a quick little nap before heading back to work for the afternoon.

i left work around 4pm and hung around before meeting the boys for dinner at leroy fox. this space used to be the infamous hotel charlotte which closed in 2011. the space is really neat & the menu had lots of yummy stuff to choose from. i went with the buffalo chicken & zucchini fries. we spent the rest of the evening hanging at the boys apartment and eventually went to selwyn for way too many buckets of beer.

{we loved this wall - photo via leroy fox's website}

sunday morning i slept in and watched tv before meeting my parents & friends for pops and beer. we spent the afternoon at birdsong brewery & ate popsicles from king of pops. king of pops is a company that sells gourmet popsicles from pop-up carts all over charlotte. their location changes daily and they have about 3-4 carts selling pops everyday. part of the fun is that you have to figure out where they are by way of their twitter, instagram or website. they have all sorts of amazing flavors & they're absolutely delicious. on sundays, they open up their warehouse behind birdsong & noda brewery and have a "patio party." it's quickly becoming a favorite sunday ritual! if you are in charlotte and you haven't stopped for a pop yet, make sure get one soon!

{my sweet parents}
it's hard to believe this is the last weekend of july - summer is flying by!

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