

i've been doing a lot of "weekending" in 2012. i have spent about 4 total weekends in charlotte since the beginning of the year and i'm loving it. this weekend trip was to murrells inlet, sc, one of my favorite places on earth. we spend a lot of time here because one of our bff's grandma has a house that she lets us stay in whenever we want. we're less than a mile from the beach and about 2 miles from all our favorite inlet bars. it feels like our own personal beach house and we're so lucky to be able to stay at granny's all the time.

friday  i had to work late, so we didn't leave charlotte until about 9pm. my sister had a compeition in myrtle, so my brother-in-law rode down with me and i dropped him off with leigh. i got to hot fish club around 1am and received the world's warmest welcome from all my pals. the weather was perfect and so was the company. i was instantly reminded why i love that place so much.

saturday  morning i woke up and went on a coffee/donut run for everyone. it was POURING down rain and we were all wondering what the heck we were going to do all day. i ate like a million donuts and finally the rain stopped. i decided to go for a run and i am SO glad that i did. since i'm a newbie runner girl, i had never run on the beach before. i ran from the house, ran on the beach for awhile and then ran back. i went about 3 miles and stopped somewhere along the way to snap a picture.

i got back to granny's and wanted to go back to the beach. i love the ocean in a major way. i think it has a way of putting life back into perspective. it makes me feel small and reminds me of all the beautiful things that god created for us to enjoy. it was super cloudy but my friend laura came along and we spent a few hours talking about life and love and everything in between.

the night continued with drinks, dancing and the following things...

{apple pie.. the only way to go.}

{laura & i}

{baby ammie}

sunday  we woke up and started cleaning. we went to lunch at one of our favorite spots, the conch, before saying our goodbyes which are never fun.

i headed back up to myrtle to meet my sister & derrick. derrick and i spent the afternoon on the beach and had a few cocktails. i took an awesome nap and got a little too much sun.


we headed back to the competition and hung out with TEAL. we stayed to watch them compete and then headed back to charlotte. we got home around midnight and i am struggling in a serious way this morning. but as usual, it was worth it. i'm thankful for weekends like this, my sweet friends and sunshine.

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