

i'm posting pictures of my past 3 days to make it seem like i actually did something. in reality, i spent about 72 hours doing absolutely nothing but sleeping and watching tv/movies. it was glorious and just what i needed after the craziness that was last week.

thursday night  sunset from the rooftop at whiskey warehouse.

my mother.

rescued my roomie from uptown. brought the bully along for moral support.

sushi at pisces for lunch on saturday.

princess bully.

there were some other noteworthy things thrown into the weekend including a sober night at montford, a delicious dessert at bricktops on sunday night, and this baby bully pictured below. i've never wanted to steal anything so badly in my life. 

and now, my weekend tv/movie collection. this is mildly embarrassing.

like 7 episodes...

finally - more on this later.

taylor swift is weird.

per klav's recommendation. 
weird & quirky - just the way i like my movies (and my friends).

7:30am came way too soon this morning. 



  1. I have an american bulldog! Felicity..wow the good old days :)

  2. bulldogs are the best! i have actually never watched felicity so i'm on a new adventure :)
