
rachel's going away party - except now she's not going away!

i met rachel way back when in 2006 during my freshman year at south carolina. we were in the same sorority, but i didn't get to do much my freshman year due to cheerleading demands. 36 of us moved into the house our sophomore year and we slowly but surely found our little "niche" in our pledge class of 65. it's safe to say we have been pretty much obsessed with each other ever since.

{carolina cup 2010}

rachel (or bradshaw as i like to call her) is from hartsville, south carolina. never heard of it? what? and while she has a small town heart, she has never had any intentions of being a small town girl. after graduation in 2010, rachel & i both moved to atlanta for work. and since we couldn't stand the idea of not living next door to each other anymore, rach moved into my apartment complex! we had a year full of shenanigans in atlanta before i unexpectedly moved back to charlotte. well guess what? rachel got transferred to charlotte about 2 weeks after i got home.

so last wednesday, i threw rachel a going away party because she was supposed to move back to atlanta this thursday. yes, as in tomorrow. like, signed a lease, bought a car (she had a company car since college) & packed all of her stuff in boxes. well, yesterday she got a kickass offer from the company she had originally wanted to work for here in charlotte. so looks like i get to keep my rach after all :) i really wasn't looking forward to living in different cities for the first time since we met 7 years ago and i'm super thankful that now we won't have to.

here are some pics from her georgia themed going away party!

{georgia peach fizz = vanilla vodka + frozen lemonade}

{the spread}

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