
the fault in our stars.


the first book i read by john green was "looking for alaska." it rocked my world. this quote is one of my all time favorite things ever written.

"but i lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and i was gawky and she was gorgeous and i was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. so i walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, i was drizzle and she was a hurricane."

so when "the fault in our stars," came out, i couldn't wait to read it. except somehow 2012 came and went and i am just getting around to it. and once i picked it up (around 9:30pm last night), i didn't put it down until i was finished (around 1am this morning). i cried for the last hour of the book and i'm pretty sure lola thought i was losing my mind. john green did it again.

without giving away too much, this is a love story between two teenagers who both grew up a little too fast because of that ass-hole named cancer. there is a healthy kid & a sick kid & a lot of words that make your heart flutter like it did the first time a boy held your hand. this book is hard to read, painfully wonderful & beautifully tragic.

so grab a box of tissues and dive in. i can only hope you miss a whole night's sleep like i did.

"as he read, i fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, at then all at once."

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