
DIY: etched glasses!

a few months ago kristin started working on etched glasses for her boyfriend's birthday. they turned out awesome (read her post here)! so when i was trying to come up with a small little gift to give my guy friends, i decided to give the glasses a go!

what you'll need:
  • plain pint glasses (or any glass you'd like) - i actually couldn't find these anywhere. i finally found them at world market for $1.99 piece
  • contact paper - this was hiding somewhere near the poster boards in michaels
  • armour etch - near the paint in michaels
  • isopropyl rubbing alcohol
  • rubber gloves - apparently this armour etch stuff is full of acid and can kill you - so make sure you get some gloves!
  • exacto knife
  • plastic knife

here's how it goes:
  • print off whatever you want to etch onto plain paper & cut it out - use exacto knife for any small areas. the areas that you cut out will be what actually gets etched.
  • trace onto the contact paper and cut out any parts that you don't want etched. this actually took some serious thought and consulting with my coworker to figure out which parts i needed to cut on on the chapel hill  & villanova logo. 
  • clean the pint glasses with the rubbing alcohol. i used a cotton ball and then a paper towel to dry it off. this makes sure there are no finger prints or smudges that will show up on the etching.
  • place the contact paper on the glass. smooth out any bubbles. make sure all the parts that you cut out made it onto the glass  -- see the chapel hill logo below. (i saved all the little pieces in an envelope).

  • put your gloves on, and use the plastic knife to "glob" the armour etch onto the glass. it doesn't need to be smooth or even - it works better if it's not. 
  • be careful of the cream running off the edges! next time i will make the cutouts bigger because i kept having to wash off the cream and redo it. 
  • let the cream sit for about 10 minutes. wash it off and see if you like the "darkness" of the etching. if not, add the cream again and let sit a little while longer.
  • wash the cream off in the sink - peel the contact paper off & you're done!

an SEC girl had to make all ACC glasses :(

good luck & happy etching!

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