
snail mail reinvented: postable.com!

a few weeks ago i got an email from a friend from college whose life i have totally stalked over the years since her big move to NYC. no shame here! caitlyn and i suffered through our public speaking 101 class together our sophomore year, and for that, we will always share a special bond.

so apparently caitlyn reads my little ol' blog & since i am forever crafting & throwing parties - caitlyn introduced me to this new company with a great concept called postable! if you're anything like me, you know there is absolutely nothing better than receiving real life, hold in your hand, snail mail. don't get me wrong, i love emails, tweets, facebook messages, and instagram comments just like the next gen y-er. but there's something special about opening up your mailbox to find a note from someone you care about.

enter postable! it's as simple as this: upload your address book, pick out which design you like, write a personal message for each person or one blanket message for all your people, and postable takes care of the rest!. they print, stamp, and send your card for you - i am not making this up!

{one of my favorite designs - i am mason jar obsessed}

{they have a ton of awesome holiday cards!}

postable is awesome for several key reasons:

--- the price. all of the cards cost $2.00. tell me the last time you bought a seriously cute card for only $2.00. the target card section gives me anxiety just looking at the price tags on some of those cards! so all you do is pay $2.00 for the card + postage (currently $0.46) and you're done! $2.46 people!

--- you no longer have to wait in the terrible post office line for stamps. i have never been to the post office when i wasn't at least the 4th person in line. and also, postable's stamps are way cooler than the stamps with our past presidents or antique cars on them.

--- postable stores all your addresses for you. they even go as far to give you your own personal link (postable.com/yourname) that you can email out to your pals to add their addresses! and this part is totally free - so even if you never want to send a card, i just gave you a way to have an awesome virtual address book!

--- time. there are not enough hours in the day. so why not let someone else run your errands for you?
the kind postable people sent me a hilarious & awesome card in the mail a few weeks ago so i could see for myself how great these cards are!


{postable also lets you choose your own font}

{they are right - the cards do feel amazing!}

so as if you're as wow-ed by this concept as i am - head over to postable.com and get started today. there is still a whole week left to send out your christmas cards and you can use code holiday13 for 20% off your order!

cheers to people that are smarter & more creative than i!

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