
a perfect sunday.

after a wonderful saturday, i knew sunday had potential to be just as amazing. i was right.

i woke up, made breakfast, and headed to church with derrick. side note: last week i counted the number of churches i pass on the way to my church: 13. but it's totally worth it. after church, i made a quick lunch and then derrick & i headed out to enjoy the day on our bikes. what started out as a ride to my mom's and back ended up as a 13 mile ride. we rode the entire greenway, rode through all our favorite parts of charlotte, and even found some new parts of the greenway we never knew existed (aka got lost in the ghetto). it was quite an adventure!

{thanks mom}

after our ride, i headed to trader joe's & target. after some cooking for the week, court and i headed over to derrick's to meet some friends for a bonfire & cookout. 


{court would be mad if i didn't mention that she started this fire. ps. how cute is lola?}

i ended my weekend finishing up some cooking for the week & watching free willy. that movie is way more intense than i remember - i can't believe those jerks were trying to kill willy! 

i hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine!

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