

a few big things happened for me today. some things that i am really proud of. some things that i never dreamed would happen. 

i ran 7 miles. which is my longest run ever, for now. 

i reached 300 miles on my nike running app. 

i started running last january. the only time i had run before last january was running suicides for my teammates missing back tucks at cheer practice in high school, and running a half mile every time we missed a skill at a game in college. i hated every second of it. but last year, i set out on a journey to start running. i started just like most non-runners do, with the couch-5k plan. after a few weeks, i really started to enjoy it. 

 according to my nike app, my 2012 breakdown looks like this..

january-april 2012: 53 runs
may-december 2012: 8 runs

needless to say, i fell off the wagon. many reasons, lots of excuses, and a lot of hours at work later, i started running again in january. i pretty much had to start back at square one. i have completed 47 runs so far in 2013. back in february, i hit the 200 mile mark and blogged about wanting to get to 300 by the end of june. and then sometime in the beginning of march, i decided to set a goal to hit 300 by may 4th meaning i'd have to run 11.25 miles per week to get there. well here we are, 11 days before may 4th, and i hit my goal. 

i also decided at 300, i would get some new running shoes, some actual running shoes. so tonight's run was the last one in my good ol' nike lunarglides. we have been through a lot together, and they have been good to me. 

so today i am thankful to have legs to run with. i've now ran 300 miles, and somewhere along the way, i've turned into a runner. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Laura! Good job on your pace too!
