
recipe: homemade chocolate protein bars.

yet another delicious recipe from heandsheeatclean.com. you will find me saying that a lot lately. actually, every recipe i've made the past few weeks has been from their site!

the first time i made these, it was the 2nd day of clean eating and i thought they were terrible. a few days later (... a few more days without sugar) i thought they tasted like heaven.


1 cup oat flour (this was hard to find! eventually found it at whole foods)
4 egg whites
2 scoops of vanilla whey protein powder
1/3 cup (or less) stevia
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
8 oz berry flavored baby food (this was also hard to find! apparently baby food isn't just baby food anymore...)
3 tbsp baking cocoa
4 oz water


1. turn the oven on to 350 degrees.
2. mix oat flour, protein powder, baking soda, salt, and cocoa together in a bowl.
3. mix egg whites, baby food, water, and stevia together in a separate bowl.
4. mix both together & pour into a pan. the original calls for 8x8, but i used 9x13. this just means you cook it less time & the bars are thinner. 
5. cook for 20-30 mins or until they look done/smooth. i think i ended up cooking mine for about 12 because of my pan size difference. 
6. let cool & cut into 16 squares. a serving size is 2 squares.
7. after they cool, i put 2 to a ziploc and store them in the fridge.

 ** you must keep these in the fridge because they will spoil **

{ingredients for first bowl}

{second bowl - seriously, this was the only "berry" baby food i could find at the grocery. i did find a more generic berry at target.}

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